Phantasy Star Online 2 Closed Beta impressions and videos

The Phantasy Star Online 2 Closed Beta…I’ve played it! Some impressions and videos after the jump.

The game looks very pretty and runs pretty well. I was getting 100+ frames in the outdoor areas.

Gameplay feels alot like Phantasy Star Universe, but the setting feels more like the original Phantasy Star Online.

I’ve tried a Hunter and Force so far. Class system works almost exactly the same as PSU, you can switch classes by talking to the class trainer. They’ve also included a skill tree type system.

Controls like every other standard MMO, except mouse is always locked to moving the camera (unlike MMO’s where you must hold down the right mouse button).

The paid item stuff works on this thing called AC, it’s like a separate currency which you can purchase with real money then use it to buy stuff in game. So far one thing I’ve seen you can purchase with AC is multiple skill trees, meaning you can have multiple builds or whatever and easily switch between them without having to reset your skill points.

That’s all for now, I’ll be playing the game a bit more in the next few days, so please check back for more info.


Legal Stuff

As part of the agreement I’m supposed to have this on the page somewhere.

「画像は『PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2』クローズドβテストにおいて撮影された実機画像です。



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